Snake for children's classroom
What type of snake would you recommend for a preschool classroom in Colorado, USA? Thanks
I think a smaller snake would be the ideal, such as a corn snake or a children's
python. Both of these snake are docile and do not bite - but be aware that
you will have to handle them when they are young to get them used to being
It is a good idea to use gloves when handling them young so that if they do
nip, no-one feels anything. Once they are a bit older and used to being handled
they should not bite (although there are no guarantees with snakes).
Another issue is that they will live to 10+ years for a corn snake (documented
up to 20) and 15-20 years for a children's python (I have two of these and
they are really good, although it took little a while for them to stop nipping
- one thing that helped, aside from handling, was feeding them in different
container so they did not expect food when I opened their cage).
Both of these will feed on mice (or rats when bigger) and should only be fed
killed prey. Will this make some of the children squeamish? I started mine
on live baby mice before introducing dead food and I know my daughter thought
it was 'gross'.
Have you given thought to a blue tongued lizard? These are omnivorous and will
eat a wide range of foods - mince, pet food, fruit, meal worms, worms, snails,
chicken etc. They also are a very hardy lizard and tolerate handling very well.
The can grow to 18"-24" and become very docile if handled frequently.
They are the largest of the skink family and make a great pet. Again, they
will live for 15+ years in captivity. Their requirements regarding the cage
is simple but unlike a snake they will need UV light in their cage or a bit
of sunshine every day.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Mark Chapple is the Author of "How to build enclosures
for reptiles"
Find out how to build these cages as well as arboreal cages.Full color pictures,
detailed diagrams and easy to follow, step-by-step instructions.
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